Media Briefing: How publishers are trying to get people to log in to their sites

"We don't believe there is really true first-party data beyond people that are logged in, because it's not just a third-party cookie going away, but all the browsers have also weakened the first-party cookie. It's very difficult for publishers to know that you're the same person that came back that was here seven days ago," said a media executive who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
"One-step log-ins Justin Wohl, CRO of Salon, Snopes and TV Tropes, said that currently 5% of's total 150 million monthly pageviews are perpetually logged in, meaning they've created an account with their email. But the goal this year is to increase that share to about 10% on both the Safari and Chrome browsers, which represent about 80% of the site's total pageviews."
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