Asia-Pacific's Media Landscape Is Now a System Apart: 'Never Before Has Asia Been More Diverged'

Never before has Asia been more exciting. But, also, never before, has Asia been more diverged from the rest of the world, as billions of consumers go on their own journey.
Some U.S. executives are struggling to accept that the region is now distinct and different from anywhere else. India is a market with a population three times bigger than the U.S. and is fast evolving according to its own rules.
And, then, there's the issue of U.S. content. Across the region, Korean, Japanese and, increasingly, Chinese content is dominant. U.S. shows have prestige value, but local content, even local sports, is growing in importance.
Asia is its own market these days. We don't program or commission for travelability. There is no need.
Read at Variety