Some ad tech vendors are pulling back from Google's Privacy Sandbox amid uncertainty

We have certainly reduced the scope of our work to what I would call basic support for Sandbox features for 2024. That doesn't necessarily mean that we won't build out what we initially planned, but certainly not by the end of this year as we originally planned.
Will Google compensate if a Sandbox glitch hits advertisers, publishers, or ad tech vendors in the pocket? Not yet. Can Google provide a clear timeline for phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome? They're trying, but details are scant.
And is Google genuinely committed to addressing Sandbox flaws based on recent feedback? So far, it's more talk than action. All these unanswered questions have created a chasm of uncertainty as vast as it is deep.
I believe that everyone runs it like this because they had funding [from Google]. If they did not get funding then it would've been suicide.
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