A recent report reveals that AI-powered search engines from companies like OpenAI and Perplexity are failing to boost referral traffic to publishers, sending 96% less traffic compared to Google. Despite claims of increased income for publishers, the reality is starkly different. Scraping activity by these AI companies has surged, cumulatively scraping websites millions of times. Publisher CEO Toshit Panigrahi voiced concerns over the increasing demand for publisher content and scraping practices, while prominent voices in the industry suggest a need for publishers to take a stand against these practices.
"We are seeing an influx of bots that are hammering these sites every time a user asks a question," CEO Toshit Panigrahi told Forbes. "The amount of demand for publisher content is nontrivial."
"It's time to say no," Nathan Schultz, CEO, Chegg, stated, reflecting on the struggle traditional publishers face against the rapidly scaling AI search engines.