Analysts revise Trade Desk stock price target after earnings

I'm way more concerned about the tidal wave of opportunity being too big and us not being equipped to handle all of the opportunity that comes to us than I am that the wave doesn't exist or it's too small," Green, the CEO, and co-founder of The Trade Desk (TTD) , said.
"Our growth rate significantly outpaced the rest of the digital marketing industry just as it has every quarter for the last few years," Green noted, emphasizing The Trade Desk's consistent growth.
"The total addressable global digital advertising market has the potential to reach $1 trillion and the Trade Desk is positioned well to capture more than its fair share of that $1 trillion," said Jeff Green, highlighting the company's strong market position for future growth.
"I'm convinced that our success has been forged on the back of consistent strong 20%-plus revenue growth year after year for the past several years," Green mentioned, attributing the company's success to continuous growth and innovation.
Read at Miami Herald