Most consumers have seen the health warnings on cigarette cartons - and this type of honest advertising is no accident. It's the law...people are pushing for similar restrictions on the dirty energy industry's marketing.
"Shell is spending a lot of money making their fuel look fashionable and family-friendly," Gigi explains. "On [the PR agency's] website, they say they're trying to give millennials a way to connect emotionally with Shell so that we forget our prejudices about big oil."
Shell alone is responsible for nearly 1.6% of the global carbon pollution budgeted to limit overheating of the planet by 2030...producing about the equivalent of a walloping 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide in 2020 alone.
The Fossil Ad Ban campaign found just 10 of these influencers have a collective following of over 1.15 million people. We want to make this type of advertising illegal.