Proposed digital ads tax would devastate small businesses like mine * Nebraska Examiner

We market our ice cream as a special-occasion gift that people anywhere in the United States can order from our website and personalize with their own special messages and packaging designs. We ship more than 400,000 personalized ice-cream pints a year - a figure that's doubled over the past 10 years. In fact, 90% of our revenues come from online sales.
Affordable digital ads are as critical to our online business as fresh milk is to our ice cream. That's why I'm extremely worried by our state's proposed tax on digital ads, which would make them far more expensive and hurt our bottom line.
Lawmakers seem to think new digital advertising taxes and laws will deal a blow to big companies like Google and Facebook. They don't understand that it's small local businesses like ours - which rely on affordable, effective digital ads - that will actually take the hit.
Read at Nebraska Examiner