Thirty years ago, when you received an email you got excited. Your mailbox was just full of junk mail at the time. Now it's kind of the opposite. The mailbox feels pretty empty these days, for the most part, and your email is chock-full.
If what shows up in your mailbox is relevant and respectful, then you're likely to engage with it. We've seen that across the board, no matter what the demographic is. People are responsive to direct mail, orders of magnitude more than they are with email.
It's not just the older generation either. Recent research from shows 65% of U.S. consumers still send letters and packages with nearly half (48%) of Gen Z, teens and twenties, sending mail one to two times per month.
On average, a piece of mail that is brought into a house sits there for up to two weeks. That's if it's relevant; if not it goes straight from the mailbox to the recycling bin.