Claudia Snoh and Mariella Cho's unconventional soft launch of Kloo, their craft coffee concentrate, prioritized immediate customer feedback to refine their offering. By initiating sales without fully developed marketing infrastructure, they were able to gather valuable insights from family, friends, and early users. Claudia actively pursued input through various communication methods, allowing Kloo to adjust its product based on consumer preferences. This approach not only prepped Kloo for a successful market entry but also fostered a perception of luxury and sustainability through innovative bottle design.
Kloo's soft launch strategy allowed them to gather crucial feedback, refine their product, and establish a premium coffee brand before a wider market entry.
Claudia emphasized the importance of customer feedback during their initial sales, stating, 'We asked for lots and lots of feedback from customers,' highlighting the key to their iterative process.
Instead of waiting for all the typical ecom infrastructure, Claudia decided to start selling immediately, believing it was smarter to trial the product first.
Feedback indicated customers loved Kloo's bottle design, leading to a refillable bottle concept to enhance sustainability and customer satisfaction.