from Muse by Clios | Discover the latest creative marketing and advertising news. Muse by Clio is the premier news site covering creativity in advertising and beyond.6 days ago
Burger King, through AlmapBBDO, launched a creative campaign in Brazil leveraging Google Maps to place coupons near searches for competing fast-food brands like McDonald's. This initiative utilized Local Guides, allowing users to discover BK-branded offers positioned strategically in proximity to over 1,000 competitors' restaurants across 24 Brazilian states. Igor Puga, VP of marketing at Zamp, emphasized the campaign's objective: to become the most purchased brand even if not the most searched online, demonstrating an innovative approach to local marketing.
If you're not the most searched brand on Google, aim to be the most purchased one.
The campaign used Google Maps to strategically place coupons near searches for competitors, targeting over 1,000 locations across Brazil.