'What's our 'Like a Girl?' campaign?' The question that launched a thousand rolls of the eyes. But seriously, vexed creatives aside, this became the reference for so much that followed. The question and its flip, the early jab at toxic masculinity on its biggest stage, the line neatly pre-packaged into a clever #hashtag and all accomplished with what appeared to be the most minimal of budgets. And real people liked it. Our moms liked it. They sent it to us and asked, 'Why couldn't you do something like this?' That's the real winner.'
I am not a cat person, but my favorite Super Bowl spot is 'Cat Herders' from EDS, an HP Company. Taking a complex client and turning what it does into a simple visual metaphor with cowboys is my dream. All kidding aside, this was a spot that didn't rely on celebrities but rather a strong insight and well-told visual story in order to stand out. This was also made 15 years ago without the advances in technology we have today - very impressive. The beauty of this spot is I could still see this running today and hold its relevance. (PS, please don't unfriend me just because I'm not a cat person).'