MLB's next star trio? Meet the Red Sox prospects who could change hitting forever

At the Boston Red Sox's spring training complex, top prospects Kristian Campbell, Roman Anthony, and Marcelo Meyer are training intensively in advanced hitting techniques. Utilizing state-of-the-art facilities and technology like HitTrax and a Trajekt robot for pitch replication, they work on developing their skills according to the organization's hitting philosophy. This philosophy encapsulates core elements such as swing decisions, bat speed, bat-to-ball skill, and ball flight. As they practice, their training is imbued with a competitive spirit, all while being guided by data analytics and modern baseball strategies.
Here, Campbell, Anthony and Mayer are in the middle of everything, appropriate for what their future holds. They're learning modern hitting philosophy, applying it in an array of competitions that aim to turn their tools into skills.
The binders outlining the Red Sox's hitting philosophy include core tenets of swing decisions, bat speed, bat-to-ball skill, and ball flight. These are foundational to their training.
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