'Like a bomb': Exploding tire that killed L.A. County firefighter was a little-known risk

"It was like an IED," David Pontious, Andrew's brother who worked at the same Palmdale fire station before retiring this spring, said, referring to an improvised explosive device, as a roadside bomb in a war zone is known.
"It's shrapnel. It's just like a bomb. It's the same principle," said Olivier Bellavigna-Ladoux, a mechanical engineer who specializes in vehicle safety.
"There was no knowledge that these kinds of big tires could blow in such a way that could kill someone," said David Pontious, highlighting the lack of awareness in firefighting practices.
In the niche world of vehicle safety engineers, it was a known risk - rare but lethal. To firefighters across California, the threat was essentially unheard of until highlighted by Pontious' death.
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