Telegram has officially reached 1 billion monthly active users, according to CEO Pavel Durov, who contrasted the app's success with that of WhatsApp, calling it a superficial imitation. Durov's remarks, posted on his Telegram channel, emphasize Telegram's independence and growth despite competition. He also discussed his recent release from custody in France, where he faced serious charges but maintained his innocence. Telegram has reportedly achieved $547 million in profit for 2024, showcasing its strong financial position amid ongoing rivalries in the messaging market.
"Ahead of us stands WhatsApp - a cheap, watered-down imitation of Telegram. For years, they've desperately tried to copy our innovations while burning billions on lobbying and PR campaigns to slow us down. They failed. Telegram grew, became profitable, and - unlike our competitor - retained its independence."
"Holding me responsible for crimes committed by third parties on the platform was both a surprising and misguided approach."