CNN's John Berman Throws Down With House Republican Over Claims On Trump's Economy: I Asked You a Question About Facts'

Berman pressed Emmer on JD Vance's poor favorability ratings, highlighting how various polls suggest Vance is significantly underwater in public opinion, questioning Emmer's defense of Vance.
Emmer attempted to deflect criticism of Vance by attacking Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, pointing to his past electoral losses, yet Berman countered with Walz's statewide victories, emphasizing that public perception in polls matters.
The exchange also showcased a contrasting approach between the two, with Emmer defending Vance's chance for a strong reintroduction while Berman stressed the significance of public perception reflected in polling.
Emmer's argument rested on the idea that once constituents understand Vance's policies, they will begin to favor him, though Berman remained skeptical due to current polling numbers.
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