"Of course, we called the first one Vol. 1, so we are making a Vol. 2, that much is for sure. We're also worried about how Vol. 1 had a pretty rough launch, with all the issues, so we're going to do everything we can not to repeat that, but we just have to ask for everyone to give us time."
Noriaki Okamura did not disclose the specific titles included in Vol. 2 but hinted at the possibility of including Metal Gear Solid 4, which has been exclusive to PlayStation 3.
"As a team, we're focusing on ensuring Vol. 2 has a smoother release, reflecting on the launch problems experienced with the first volume."
While there's no confirmation yet on the lineup for Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 2, speculation suggests the inclusion of MGS V's Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain, and the HD version of Peace Walker.