CISA Senior Advisor Cait Conley states, "This PSA is to educate people that false claims of election infrastructure compromise, like a voter registration database hack, may be spread by foreign actors and to not accept claims of intrusion at face value, as these claims may be meant to influence public opinion and negatively impact the American people's confidence in our democratic process."
The FBI continues to investigate any claims of malicious cyber actors' attempts to target U.S. elections," comments Cynthia Kaiser, FBI Cyber Division, Deputy Assistant Director. "Through our investigations, the FBI has identified that malicious actors commonly attempt to undermine public confidence in U.S. elections by grossly exaggerating about obtaining U.S. voter information. Today's announcement urges the American public to critically evaluate claims of hacked or leaked voter information and remember that most voter registration information is available to the public.
The organizations assert that these are false claims made with the goal of undermining confidence in the security of United States elections.
The public service announcement states that malicious actors are spreading these false claims and leveraging voter registration information as evidence to support these claims that such data is compromised.