The article discusses three documentaries from SXSW that eschew rapid coverage of their subjects for deeper, more thoughtful narratives. Among them is Steven Feinartz's "Are We Good?", which examines stand-up comedian Marc Maron's response to grief following the death of his partner, filmmaker Lynn Shelton. The documentary transcends mere biographical sketches to reveal how Maron grapples with his sorrow while continuing to perform comedy. It highlights the power of humor in processing pain, showcasing the complex relationship between grief, creativity, and the human experience.
Humor [makes the pain] feel like it's not wasted.
It's a somber exploration of how humor can help us make peace with the pain we feel in the world.
While Maron does recount his backstory, it narrows its scope to focus on a particular inflection point in Maron's life.
The film tries to coast on Maron's personality to mixed results.