Netflix Just Quietly Released A Revelatory New Psychological Thriller

Yeon Sang-ho’s latest film, Revelations, diverges from his typical apocalyptic narratives to present a grounded psychological thriller. Co-written with Choi Gyu-seok and executive produced by Alfonso Cuarón, the film blends dream sequences with a focus on childhood trauma and religious hypocrisy. Centered around two characters—a young pastor, Sung Min-chan, driven by his faith, and a detective, Lee Yeon-hui, haunted by her sister's tragic past—their paths cross over the investigation of a serial sex offender, emphasizing contrasting notions of justice and divine duty.
"The surprisingly self-contained Revelations revolves around two individuals in very different positions of power, a pastor and a detective, diving into childhood trauma and religious hypocrisy."
"While Yeon-hui believes it's both her personal and professional duty to track him down, Min-chan is convinced it's his divine calling."
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