Woman lays bare the perils of living in the world's COLDEST city

A young woman living in the world's coldest city has revealed some of the negative impacts the extreme cold has on the body - along with months of very little sunlight. YouTube creator Kiun B lives in the Siberian city of Yakutsk, where the temperatures have been known to plunge below -83.9F (-64.4C) in the winter and in the summer, it thaws out a little with the daily mean being around 68F (20C).
Kiun explains: 'In Yakutsk life doesn't stop [when it gets cold]. 'We still go outside, go to school and work. Getting frostbite and hypothermia in Yakutsk is almost as common as the cold itself.'
Kiun often ends up with 'mild frostbite' on the exposed parts of her face, which is mainly her nose and cheeks. When she starts feeling a 'numbness' - one of the symptoms of frostbite - she will 'rush to a warm place like a mall or a heated bus station' to prevent any serious damage.
Read at Mail Online