The article narrates a humorous experience where the author, initially attending a trivia night at a friend's church for free pizza, ends up answering a question about the fastest-growing Christian denomination. The author confidently states that Mormons are the answer, attributing this to trivial knowledge gained from a musical. This exchange piques the interest of Pastor Dan, the youth pastor, leading him to deeply research Mormonism, ultimately resulting in his decision to convert. The comedic journey emphasizes the overlap of knowledge, casual conversation, and surprising outcomes in faith discussions.
Being the self-proclaimed king of useless knowledge, I muttered, 'Probably the Mormons. Those guys are grinding harder than a Call of Duty streamer.' Turns out, I was right.
Pastor Dan was fascinated. He started asking me more questions, and since my brain is 80% trivia facts and 20% anxiety, I just kept going.
Fast forward a few weeks: Jake tells me Pastor Dan has been deeply researching Mormonism, like full-on studying theology, reading the Book of Mormon.
Last week, Jake drops this bomb: 'Dude, Pastor Dan just announced he's converting.' I went to church for free pizza and accidentally built a Mormon.