A recent poll indicates that 56% of Americans are optimistic about 2025, viewing optimism as a conscious choice rather than an inherent trait. Author Sumit Paul-Choudhury transitioned to optimism after a personal loss, recognizing its power and potential to influence a brighter future. He argues that optimism is a default setting for humans, backed by evolutionary reasoning, as it helps us deal with uncertain situations and the absence of complete information. His experience illustrates how optimism can lead to positive behavioral change.
"I realized I'd always been an optimist. I'd always tended to assume that things would work out well for me, but I thought of it as a personality trait that didn't really mean anything."
"It was initially black humor... I was saying, 'Things are really grim right now, but I've decided that they're going to be better, and I'm going to act as though they're going to be better.'"