Quaker Oats, a staple in American households since 1901, offers a range of oatmeal flavors. Tasting Table experts ranked 13 of these flavors, with Raisin, Date, and Walnut taking the top spot. Despite its unassuming name, this flavor combines sweet raisins and dates with crunchy walnuts, all enhanced by a touch of cinnamon. The oatmeal is praised for its creamy texture and health benefits, though it does contain added sugar. Overall, the unique blend makes it a deserving champion among Quaker's offerings.
The flavor has received plenty of favorable reviews online, with Walmart shoppers saying that nothing beats it. One fan highlighted the creamy consistency, which is enhanced by the different textures of the toppings.
Yes, raisins and dates are typically associated with grandparents and little kids, and maybe Apples and Cinnamon would have been a more obvious choice, but didn’t you always enjoy those tiny packs of raisins at lunch time?