Tori Spelling has made headlines for her unusual habit of not drinking water at all, expressing how she is surprised to still be alive. She confesses her preference for alternatives like Diet Dr. Pepper and ginger ale, revealing that she only consumed water during pregnancy. Her health choices have sparked concern among fans, especially after past incidents of fainting due to dehydration. While some speculate she may get hydration through food, many agree that her water aversion is detrimental to her overall health.
Tori Spelling's aversion to water is shocking; she drinks Diet Dr. Pepper and ginger ale instead, acknowledging this habit poses health risks.
Despite jokingly comparing herself to a cactus, Tori Spelling's refusal to drink water raises serious health concerns about hydration.
Fans online express concern for Tori Spelling's health regarding her extreme aversion to water, suggesting she's risking dehydration.
After fainting due to dehydration, Tori admitted she's aware of the risks her water aversion poses, especially as a parent to five children.