The Best Kind Of Produce To Buy To Reduce Food Waste - Tasting Table

Ugly produce is frequently discarded due to a bruise or the fact that it's misshapen, but most of the time, it's perfectly safe to eat. In fact, if you're looking to reduce food waste in your own life, we encourage you to seek out that ugly produce that will likely just end up in a landfill, where it will contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. It'll taste just the same, and it'll make you feel much better about your overall impact on the planet.
Purchasing ugly produce does more than just eliminate food waste and better the environment; it helps mitigate food insecurity, supports farmers, and is a more affordable way to eat healthy. Plus, ugly produce may even have added nutritional benefit because those bruises and blemishes are thought to have a higher antioxidant count.
Committing to purchasing ugly produce doesn't require any overwhelming steps; all that's required of you is a little bit of open-mindedness for those unwanted veggies. Instead of throwing them in the trash, give them a chance and try turning them into a homemade tomato sauce.
Read at Tasting Table