TikTok's 'recession brunette' trend signals tough economic times

Many blondes are returning to their natural hair colors, a trend attributed not only to personal choices but also economic pressures. Social media posts suggest that the state of the economy influences this change, with individuals noting the high costs of upkeep for blonde hair. The article draws parallels between this current trend and past economic downturns, highlighting how financial constraints drive beauty choices. As salon visits become less affordable, 'brunette recession' emerges as the latest hairstyle trend, driven by necessity rather than preference.
"How's the economy? Well, hasn't been good for a while seems like my indicators tell me," the former blonde says, measuring the inches of her incoming roots with her fingers.
"When someone says they like my natural hair color better and I agree, when in reality I can no longer afford to upkeep the blonde, and this is my brunette recession era."
"Remember when balayage became really popular in 2009? During the 2007-to-2009 recession, blonde celebrities were embracing their darker roots, a trend that mirrored the economic downturn."
With some hairstylists interviewed in a recent Washington Post piece charging at least $100 an hour for cuts, color, bleaching and balayage, being blonde is a luxury not everyone can afford.
Read at Fast Company