Today holds a powerful alignment of the Pisces sun with Jupiter, enhancing your self-esteem. While self-belief is crucial, it's important to avoid overestimating your abilities to prevent letting others down. The movement of Mercury into Aries introduces an intense communication style, with rapid conversation shifts; caution is advised in expressing opinions. In the afternoon, the moon in Taurus may lead to defensiveness due to a clash with Pluto, urging reflection on your emotional state to prevent self-sabotage.
Your self-esteem is high this morning when the optimistic Pisces sun coordinates with confident Jupiter. When you believe in yourself, others will too.
However, avoid overestimating your abilities, or you run the risk of disappointing people.
To avoid self-sabotage this afternoon, clarify your emotions before you take action.
Mercury, the planet ruling your mindset, charges into assertive Aries and whips up passionate, opinionated energy. Words are coming fast and sharp.