My Secret to Perfectly Cooked Dried Beans Every Time

Achieving perfect bean doneness can be tricky, often leading to disappointment if you only taste one bean. The article introduces the 'five bean rule', which involves tasting five beans from different parts of the pot to assess doneness. This ensures you capture a better representation of the batch, as beans can cook unevenly. It emphasizes the importance of varietal differences and how cooking time can vary, even among high-quality beans. This simple tactic can help guarantee evenly cooked, creamy beans in your meals.
"But then-finally-you bite into one, and it's perfect. You cut the heat, maybe prepare to serve yourself a bowl..."
"I call it the five bean rule, and it's the simplest way to make sure your legume-filled dinner isn't a disappointment."
"If five beans are tender and fully cooked, with no hard white spots in their centers, you're in the clear."
Read at Food52