These Changes Can Make a House Resistant to Wildfire

Wildfires in the western U.S. have surged in size and frequency, posing a significant threat to urban areas. The increase is attributed to climate change and urban expansion into wildfire-prone regions. Experts emphasize the importance of wildland management techniques but warn that these alone are insufficient. A paradigm shift is required, with a focus on making homes more resistant to fire. The growing risk has led authorities to advocate for new strategies in fire management, recognizing that wildfires are inevitable and that society must adapt accordingly.
In the recent case of Los Angeles, even the best-equipped, best-trained, best-staffed firefighting force in the country could not stop what happened once it got into the structures.
People have to completely reset the way they think about dealing with fire danger, by making homes more resistant to fire.
The risks are increasing and that we need to learn to live with these increasing risks, Barrett says.
Wildland management techniques, such as thinning out undergrowth, are important to reducing fire risk but will not solve the problem on their own.
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