A recent study highlights that climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable populations in informal settlements, refugee camps, and other precarious locations. Authored by scientists from various institutions, the research emphasizes the need for targeted policies to help those who cannot migrate due to various barriers, such as legal restrictions and scarce resources. The study notably references Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, illustrating the harsh realities and environmental threats they face. The analysis urges a shift in climate mobility research, advocating for a focus on individuals trapped by circumstance rather than only those who can relocate.
Climate change and extreme weather events can act as drivers of migration. However, in some contexts, they can also render people unable to leave.
Cultural and legal barriers, limited access to humanitarian assistance, and other constraints, such as conflict and poverty, make the livelihoods of such populations particularly vulnerable to climate-induced threats.
Current climate mobility research is largely focused on mobile populations, not those unable or unwilling to move.
By focusing on involuntary immobility in climate and disaster risk policies, we gain a deeper understanding of how current strategies can be improved.