"I am a substitute teacher - kids need to hear 'no.' They do not respect authority. Parents are letting the phones and computers raise the kids. I've seen most kids NOT know how to tie their shoes from pre-k to seventh grade. They are not taught at home, and we get so tired of teaching every child to tie their shoes. It takes 30 seconds to tie shoes."
"Stop giving your kid a device to calm down. They need human contact to learn how to work through strong emotions. Also, kids' language skills develop with actual conversation, reading books together, and hearing real conversations, not on a device. Sensory integration develops by interacting with real things and objects, not a device. Help them understand they take turns in conversation and listen, not talk over others - and that they can't always be the center of attention."
"Coming from a school psychologist, many of the parents we work with will never accept, let alone implement, advice. My best recommendation: if you feel like you are financially, spiritually, socially, or mentally unready for a child, please consider birth control or waiting to have a child until you're ready. We are your partners (in an ideal world), but we are not parents. A child will not fix your problems/relationship/future/purpose."