Paul English created the Steppin app as a solution to smartphone addiction, requiring users to walk a certain distance for screen time on their most-used apps. Inspired during a family road trip where they all found themselves glued to their phones, the app promotes physical activity by linking walking to earning screen time. Users must walk at least 100 steps for one minute of social media usage, with the potential to increase the step requirement. The app aims to address the global issue of excessive phone usage through an innovative and engaging approach.
The user needs to take at least 100 steps to gain one minute of screen time on their most-used apps. Users can increase the number of required steps.
We talked about different ways to motivate people to not use their phones. What if we limited it to physical activity?
The problem with phone addiction is overwhelming across the world and that Steppin provides a really good but simple solution to the issue.
[The app] connects to something outside of your phone, encouraging physical activity while managing screen time.