Today's Parents: Exhausted, Burned Out and Perpetually Behind'

Dr. Vivek M. Murthy, the U.S. surgeon general, stated that the rising stress among parents is a public health issue, comparable to the dangers of cigarettes and AIDS. He highlighted the immense pressures parents face today, including societal expectations around their children's educational opportunities and upbringing, which creates a unique set of anxieties. This high-stakes environment leads to a heightened sense of urgency in parenting, with parents feeling compelled to invest significant time and resources into their children’s futures.
Sociologist Sharon Hays's concept of intensive parenting underlines the pressures parents face to cultivate their children’s talents and academic achievements methodically. Researchers Melissa Milkie and Kei Nomaguchi noted that while this involved dedication to enriching kids' lives, the demand for such involved parenting has amplified in modern times. Parents are increasingly anxious about whether they are doing enough to ensure their children succeed in a competitive, economy-driven society.
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