This new dating app is inspired by Instagram. Online daters will love it.

"[We were] brainstorming ideas around, you know, how can we make it easier to meet people through friends and family in a way that's not awkward?" Ahuja says, speaking about the app's origins. This insight reveals the core principle behind Cheers—enhancing social connections in a comfortable environment by involving mutual friends rather than strangers.
"What's nice about it is it's not random people, because the friends on there are your contacts. So it's a little bit more of a smaller network than if you're using Instagram followers or Facebook friends, for example, because the contacts are people that are you know, you actually feel comfortable reaching out to because you have their number." Ahuja highlights how Cheers leverages existing social circles, ensuring a more familiar dating experience.
"I'm excited to build something that Gen Z feels excited about, that motivates me. " This statement reflects Ahuja's understanding of the market dynamics, particularly in addressing the concerns around dating app fatigue faced by younger generations.
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