"It just felt very, very familiar," Gonzalez tells TODAY.com. "Recently becoming a mom, having to sacrifice things, I think I resonated really with that moment."
Gonzalez posted a video, which currently has about 25 million views, with the words "She deserved the purse" plastered across the screen and a tired sigh playing over sad piano music.
"Just to see how far it's gone, it's just been amazing," Gonzalez says. "And I'm really just grateful and just amazed by the community that's formed within the comment section of the video."
Cecily Bauchmann, who has over 2 million TikTok followers, made a video drawing inspiration from Gonzalez's post; she bought a $100 Target gift card and wrote on the receipt "Hey! You deserve that special 'you' thing. You are amazing! Xoxo!" before tucking it between two diaper boxes.