As one of those who fit a certain cultural stereotype, a gay man who has experienced same-gender attraction long before puberty, I must object to Mr. Blow's dismissal of biology as a major contributor to sexual orientation. Studies of identical twins have shown a 50 percent or more concordance of both twins being same-gender-attracted if one is, strikingly high compared with the incidence in the general population.
When he concludes that the identification and expression of our attractions (though not the attractions themselves) are merely choices, I'm afraid that Mr. Blow does not, as he claims, make the discussion more sophisticated, but simplifies it for those who think that L.G.B.T.Q.+ people are just making bad choices.
I remained silent and in dread for decades for fear of losing my job, my family, even my freedom if arrested. I was born with a certain genetic code, and born into an environment and society with its own codes that are also a part of me.
I will still insist I was Born This Way, not as a political slogan, but as the most accurate explanation of who I am.