New Mom Wonders Why Every Set Of In-Laws Is Obsessed With The Baby Looking Like Their Son

I just want to know if it's like every dude's parents that once you have a baby with a dude, the parents, your in-laws, basically want to force the fact that the baby looks like their son. So they start making collages on like day one when the baby's a newborn and doesn't look like anything. They're like, 'Oh my God, Noe looks exactly like him when he was little.' It's like, Stop trying to force it.
And I found out, I talked to a lot of people, every men's parents do this about a baby. I don't know why. Is it like, a lineage thing? Is it maybe they don't feel as connected because like, the mom is the one that gives birth? ... I don't know. But ... they try to force it. They try to force the resemblance,
Read at Scary Mommy