Managing Appetite Loss in the Third Trimester | Baby Domain

In the third trimester, many pregnant women experience a decrease in appetite due to changes in their body. Physical pressure from the growing baby, slower nutrient absorption caused by digestive changes, and increased progesterone levels contribute to this loss of appetite. Despite feeling full, it remains crucial to consume small, nutrient-rich meals to ensure both mother and baby receive essential nutrients, especially protein and healthy fats for development. Parents facing appetite loss are encouraged to consult healthcare providers for tailored advice to manage their nutrition effectively during this critical phase.
Understanding the changes in your body will help you to ensure you are providing the nutrients your baby needs during these final months.
The combination of slower digestion, physical pressure from your growing child, and increased progesterone can lead to reduced appetite in the third trimester.
It is important to focus on small, nutrient-dense meals to provide your body the energy it requires as your appetite decreases.
Protein and healthy fats are essential nutrients to your baby's growth, particularly during the last trimester, for optimal brain development.
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