Managing a Clingy Child | How I Get Thing Done | Baby Domain

Around nine months, babies enter a phase often called "Velcro Baby", characterized by clinginess due to separation anxiety. They begin to understand their parents as separate entities, causing panic when left alone. The development of object permanence is still ongoing, leading them to believe that their caregivers are gone forever when out of sight. While this clinginess can be exhausting for parents, it stems from a natural developmental need for security and love, indicating a strong emotional bond, which will calm down as children learn to trust.
Your baby may not be able to comprehend that you will return after you leave. They feel the end of their world when you leave.
The concept of object permanence – understanding that things and people still exist even when they're out of sight – is still developing at this stage.
Try to remember that their need for you stems from a desire to feel loved and safe. Even though it can be exhausting, these moments are part of the child's development.
Holding him all the time is seriously hindering me from getting even basic tasks completed.
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