Welcoming a new baby can lead to significant sleep deprivation for parents. This can result in mood swings, concentration issues, and even postpartum depression. The article outlines five strategies to help improve sleep quality despite the challenges of a newborn's schedule. One key approach is adjusting nightly routines to support both a parent's and a baby's sleep cycle, with specific emphasis on the role of melatonin and breast milk. Keeping the baby's sleeping area close allows for easier nighttime feedings, thereby promoting better rest for both parent and child.
Sleep deprivation during the newborn phase is not only common but can also be dangerous, leading to mood swings and difficulty concentrating.
Small changes in your nightly routine can significantly impact both your sleep and your baby's sleep.
Breast milk contains tryptophan which helps babies produce melatonin, essential for their sleep patterns.
Keeping your baby's sleeping space near your bed allows for easier nightly nursing, enabling both you and your baby to sleep better.