Warm Chia Pudding Is My Coziest Winter Breakfast

Chia pudding is my Platonic ideal of a packed breakfast. It's high in protein, omega-3s, and fiber. I can prepare a batch on Sunday for the rest of the week. All I need are two ingredients-milk and chia seeds. And I can switch up any add-ins (like matcha powder and maple syrup) and toppings (like nut butter and granola) depending on my mood.
But as we get into the colder months of constantly reapplying hand cream and wearing too many layers to count, I find myself craving a cozy breakfast. It turns out chia pudding is great warm too. On a whim, I tried heating it on the stove and in the microwave, and I was delighted by both. It's comforting like porridge or oatmeal, with a chewy texture reminiscent of tapioca pudding. The heat also quickens up the thickening, which in the fridge would take hours. Now I can eat my gorgeous, nourishing bowl of mush on a moment's notice and year-round, even when it's snowing and my radiator is malfunctioning.
Read at Bon Appetit