The Best Condensed Milk Brand For Both Your Coffee And Your Cake - Tasting Table

When you go to the grocery store, you'll often notice a handful of condensed milk brands sitting neatly on the shelf in the bakery aisle. With similar labels and prices, it can be hard to figure out which one to choose. Well, that's why the Tasting Table tasting crew is here to help you out. We taste-tested 6 condensed milk brands and found one clear winner in the bunch: Borden Magnolia's leche condensada azucarada.
What makes Borden Magnolia so good? Ultimately, when picking out condensed milk, you want it to deliver on a few things: Flavor, texture, and ingredients. Of course, flavor and ingredients are intrinsically linked so the label on the can will give you some clues as to whether or not the condensed milk you choose will deliver on three of the two things you should be looking for.
Borden Magnolia, for example, only has two ingredients: whole milk and sugar. Be wary of condensed milk brands that add things like palm oil or other vegetable oils. The rich and creamy "milk," poured beautifully and incorporated itself smoothly into our tester dishes whether it was cold coffee or flour for the pound cake.
Read at Tasting Table