Juxtapoz Magazine - Katerina Caserman: "Off to nearly everywhere" @ Marquez Art Projects, Miami

Allover in composition and charged in tone and attitude, Caserman's paintings are fields of connectivity awash in sublime color and rapid speed. Smoke, webs, tectonics, architecture and, especially, close-ups of base materiality all come to mind.
Caserman's paintings derive from through an automatic process that seeks to create materiality of the intangible. Marks collect into declaratively abstract compositions that evoke their process, yet nonetheless suggest anthropomorphism as they distort the flatness of the canvas.
Each of Caserman's decisively stylized canvases features a restricted color palette that cites the monochrome tradition while rejecting any notion of purity or spirituality. Instead, Caserman's ambient and immersive worlds cite a dynamic constellation of references.
The endless cascade of nodes in Caserman's paintings evokes cybernetics, and calls met and unmet for connectivity and collectivity. This interest is further emphasized by echoes of Surrealist automatic drawing.
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