From Single Balls of Clay, Paul S. Briggs 'Hand-Turns' Leafy Vessels

"It is difficult to see from the finished vessels how the pieces emerge from one piece of clay. I'm at a stage in the process where to call them pinch-pots doesn't quite capture the evolution of the form, and so I've been using the terminology 'hand-turned.'"
"One of the main tools I ask students to bring to my workshops is patience. You cannot rush these pieces; one must slow down. It is a very assertive but tender process, especially when handling six to 12 pounds of clay."
"Being psychologically present in the process is central to Briggs's approach, which is why I have talked about the work as being a mindful, meditative technique."
"Very recently, I've been making pieces with a balance of slow, intentional pinches and very loose, intuitive marks."
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