The article discusses the 'three o'clock parade problem' observed by Disneyland employees, highlighting the difference between customer inquiries and their true needs. This issue is illustrated by Disney's recent decision to introduce Luke Skywalker at Galaxy's Edge, a move that seems to contradict the established storyline canon. Initially, the park aimed to provide an immersive experience within a specific timeline, but this decision reflects a broader approach to catering to fan desires over strict adherence to that canon. The discussion raises questions about balancing narrative authenticity with meeting customer expectations in theme parks and beyond.
Disneyland's decision to introduce Luke Skywalker in Galaxy's Edge highlights a shift in their approach to fan expectations, balancing authenticity with popular demand.
The three o'clock parade problem exemplifies the distinction between what customers ask for and what they truly need, crucial for businesses to understand.
When Galaxy's Edge opened, the idea was for visitors to have an authentic experience in a specific Star Wars timeline, excluding characters fans wanted.