Baking frozen pierogies instead of boiling or pan-frying them results in a uniquely pleasant crisp-chewy texture, making it a quick meal option. When paired with precooked packaged beets and a visually appealing poppy seed dressing, this dish becomes appealing to even the most selective eaters. The tested favorite was Mrs. T's frozen pierogies, which are widely available in grocery stores. For a twist on flavor, whole-milk Greek yogurt or kefir can be used as alternatives to sour cream, creating a rich and creamy complement to the dish.
Baked, instead of boiled or pan-fried, frozen pierogies yield a pleasantly crisp-chewy texture, making a quick and satisfying dinner option.
Cooking alongside packaged precooked beets and using a graphic poppy seed dressing creates a meal that appeals to picky eaters and beet naysayers.
Mrs. T's brand of frozen pierogies stood out in our testing as the best choice, highlighting its availability in grocery stores.
Substituting whole-milk Greek yogurt or kefir for sour cream offers a subtle variation, enhancing the overall flavor of the dish.