His coffee is coveted around the world. His son doesn't know if his future is on the farm

Jose Jijon, a young cashier at Sey Coffee in Brooklyn, is the heir to his family's Finca Soledad coffee farm in Ecuador. His father, Pepe Jijon, recently won a prestigious coffee award for their beans. Nestled in a unique ecosystem in the Andes, the farm produces richly-flavored coffee. Jose, 19, is currently exploring career paths in New York rather than continuing familial agricultural traditions, reflecting a broader trend of farmers' children seeking opportunities outside of farming, a theme echoed in Wendell Berry's writings.
"The year 2023 was also busy for Jose, who has dual Ecuador-US citizenship. He left Finca Soledad to work at Sey in New York, his city of dreams."
"Pepe Jijon originally planned to make an environmental stand planting trees in the Andes. Only after Intag valley locals offered their advice did Finca Soledad become a coffee farm."
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