What do I do if I feel like my boss is unqualified?

"Good bosses have a lot in common: They help you grow in your career; they offer constructive feedback; they advocate for you; and challenge you. Bad bosses come in lots of different varieties: the micromanager, the toxic, and the incompetent or unqualified."
"Incompetent bosses are the reason many people quit their jobs. A recent Gallup study of over 7,000 adults found that 50% quit to escape an incompetent manager."
"The 'Peter principle' suggests that people tend to rise to 'a level of respective incompetence.' Someone is good at their job but isn't good at being a manager after getting promoted."
"To manage up effectively, ask for goals or set them yourself. Every employee should have goals and every boss should help set them; if they don’t, take initiative."
Read at Fast Company