15 Ways To Keep Your Relationship Working.

For your relationship to work and move to a permanent site, i.e for a relationship that is destined to lead to marriage because not all relationships will lead to marriage, you have to: 1) Love each other: Even though love alone is not enough to make your relationship work, you should love your partner as if there is no one like the person, or as if there is no other day to love again.
2) Don't lie to your spouse, or tell lies against your spouse: Lies have no future, even if you are an expert in it, the day it will backfire, you cannot imagine the ugly results they will give you. Telling lies is dangerous than we thought therefore, don't allow that in your relationship.
3) Allow intimacy and lovemaking: Lovemaking is more than just physical, it includes emotional, spiritual, body, and soul. The same thing applies to intimacy. Let there be no vacuum for these two things, or else your partner may be taken by another person.
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