Clothing brands make and sell clothes. Should they pay to deal with the old ones? | CBC News

"I don't like waste," said McPherson, whose shop specializes in warranty repair for outdoor gear. "We're trying to keep gear out of the landfill and keep it in circulation longer."
The hope of these 'extended producer responsibility' schemes is to keep clothes out of the dump, and to push brands to make fabrics that last longer and are easier to recycle.
While fast fashion is still plenty popular, more brands are trying to appeal to customers who want their clothes to last a lifetime or at least not wind up in the garbage with in-store repair services, used clothing trade-in programs and new forms of recycled textiles.
A growing number of European countries, along with the state of California, have brought in legislation that makes brands responsible not just for making and selling clothes, but for collecting and processing them at the end of their lifespan.
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